Thursday, August 27, 2009

Unity in community

Psalm 133:1-3. As I fellowship with my brothers in Christ I see division and a lack of community amongst them. Each of them believing, loving, and serving Christ - but independently. I know and understand that we each have our own work to do for the Kingdom, but that should be done in context within the bigger community. We are all one body, my ministry includes and encourages your ministry and your ministry includes and encourages my ministry - because it is not ultimately about your or my ministry - it is about Jesus and His Kingdom - the bigger community! We cannot be independent contractors for Christ! I encourage you my brothers and sisters in Christ, let us return to and strengthen our community (the Kingdom) by reaching out in unity of the Spirit and in peace to our fellow believers.
We appear to the lost as a fragmented, broken, dysfunctional group. Each "denomination and congregation" separate from the main, and I believe that the lost think and believe that there is no more main church or body of believers anymore. If I see this as a believer - it must be so? The evil one has separated us long enough, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has called us to be one in Him as he is one in the Father! There are so many references to this in the Bible that I cannot quote them all here right now, I do however - encourage you you to look for them in your daily scripture reading.....

In His name and for His Glory,

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