Sunday, February 22, 2009

Incident at Nazareth?

Quiet time this morning, Luke 4:16-30, verse 16 says that as His custom was He went in to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. His custom, His habit, His routine was to be in the Synagogue on the Sabbath, prepared to read - and I imagine to discuss what was being read. The point is He was with those who were seeking God, as a habit and custom. He was also prepared to read and discuss the Word as they had it then. He was there for a purpose and it wasn't to be "fed". I have heard this way too many times in our churches, " I just don't get fed here?" If you're going just to get fed - stay home. It's kind of like going to a gym thinking that by going in you'll get healthy. if you don't participate in the exercises - you are wasting your time! You must be prepared to engage when you go there, you must participate, you must be prepared! You wouldn't show up to work out in a three piece business suit would you, after eating a three course meal? When you come into the church, you should have prepared your heart and mind to worship the Living God. It should be your custom, your habit, your routine. You should be prepared to stand up and read the Word, and discuss it with other believers.
Luke 4:18-22, Jesus stunned them. He told them the truth in His Word, truth that they had heard all along, truth they should have known. They were amazed at His speech and authority. I can imagine them being puffed up and thinking, wow this guy is GOOD! We like this stuff! We know this guy, he's Joseph's son! Here's the rub - it didn't mean anything to them, and Jesus knew it. He knew they were not prepared. Luke4:23-29. First you love me - then you hate me? They were not prepared to act on what He told them, on what His Word had been telling them. He gave them examples and they got angry, so angry they wanted to kill Him! I see this in our churches today too, "you mean I actually have to do something, like deny myself, take up my cross and follow Jesus, daily?" People get angry and leave or never come back. Why? Many reasons, the one that stands out in my mind the most is that we as believers are not prepared when we gather in fellowship, we're just showing up to get fed. And sometimes when we are prepared and we engage and participate - people get uncomfortable and angry, that's okay too. Jesus said in Luke 4:18-19 what His purpose was and who it was for; the poor, the brokenhearted, he captives, the blind, the oppressed.... They were there also, and I don't think they were angry, I think they were anxious to meet the Lord, they were prepared, they came to participate, to be engaged......

1 comment:

  1. Well done David...
    Glad to see you posted today. I enjoy digging into The Word and sharing what I've gleaned. Sometimes I feel as though I monopolize Bible study times at Church. But, I don't really care because it's fellowship with God's people. In fact in our night study tonight I asked that question pertaining to Jesus and whether or not he was aware of being the Messiah prior to John's baptism. I guess I just enjoy sharing with others what God has spoken to me about different passages...
    Super discipline being out of your element and staying in the Word...
    God Bless and good luck with this week's class...
