Monday, January 26, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to???

Another sunny day in paradise? It is warm this morning and not raining - but it is very foggy! Thinking seriously about taking the Goldwing to work this morning. Checked the Radar for the region and it looked clear, I think I'll step out in faith and ride the bike!
A theme keeps popping up in my life right now about "witnessing" or "evangelizing," that sounds like a harsh word anymore? But what we're really talking about is sharing our belief in Jesus. Wow, as I look at what i just wrote the thought hit me that maybe we (I) should stop "witnessing" and just share my belief in Christ with those the Lord draws near to me?
Witnessing sounds like an activity or event, sharing sounds more like a lifestyle? Agree - disagree? Witnessing to people I don't know about a subject they may not be prepared to receive seems to be a futile thing? I would say that most of those type of activities do not produce the result we think they should. And what is the result we are looking for? In the Bible, the book of John 6:65, Jesus says to His disciples: "therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father." We need to read that very closely and then look at what witnessing really is and how we should go about it. Comments?


  1. Totally agree with your sentiments of sharing rather than witnessing...
    Personally the word winessing immediately scares me. I think there's a stigma attached with that word (It just sounds so formal and structured). Not to mention Dave your thoughts on spiritual seasons how people come and go: you can be extremely effective just "sharing."

  2. Ever get the feeling that we are emailing in a public forum?

  3. This is a public forum, we can however change that by requiring everyone who wants to read and post to our blogs sign in? What say ye brother?

  4. Dave! Didn't know you had a blog. Thanks for putting me on your blog list, I need to return the favor. Blessing on ya bro!

    Following Jesus

  5. I want to live my life as a testimony so that I 'show' people my Jesus, not tell them and then live another way. Know ye the way and walk ye in it.....

  6. Hi Chuck! Your blog was my inspiration for this one, I have a lot of work and fine tuning to do but I think it'll work out great, GOD is so good to us! I tell everyone I met about your blog, it is truly a blessing.

  7. I have a tendency to show people...yet at times I slip into ruts that I know aren't pleasing to God--then I struggle with my faith after letting Him down. I guess at times I have a tough time realizing I will always fall short and will always sin.

  8. Your behavior is what you truely believe, all the rest is just talk.......

  9. I really like that last comment, thank you very much who ever wrote that!
