"Jesus did not commit Himself unto them for He knew what was in man." John 2:24-25 Disillusionment means that there are no more false judgments in life. To be undeceived by disillusionment may leave us cynical and unkindly severe in our judgment of others, but the disillusionment which comes from God brings us to the place where we see men and women as they really are, and yet there is no cynicism, we have no stinging, bitter things to say. Many of the cruel things in life spring from the fact that we suffer from illusions. We are not true to one another as facts; we are true only to our ideas of one another. Everything is either delightful and fine, or mean and dastardly, according to our idea. The refusal to be disillusioned is the cause of much of the suffering in human life. It works in this way - if we love a human being and do not love God, we demand of him every perfection and every rectitude, and when we do not get it we become cruel and vindictive; we are demanding of a human being that which he or she cannot give. There is only one Being Who can satisfy the last aching abyss of the human heart, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Why Our Lord is apparently so severe regarding every human relationship is because He knows that every relationship not based on loyalty to Himself will end in disaster. Our Lord trusted no man, yet He was never suspicious, never bitter. Our Lord's confidence in God and in what His grace could do for any man, was so perfect that He despaired of no one. If our trust is placed in human beings, we shall end in despairing of everyone. This text was taken from "My utmost for His highest" by Oswald Chambers. I first read it 8 years ago as a new believer, it really rocked my view of the people around me and my attitude towards them. This deserves meditation, only when we can begin to see others as Jesus sees us can we truly love them unconditionally. |
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14 years ago
I haven't totally wrapped my pea-brain around this one yet...But, what I can say if we saw each other as Jesus saw us in His time here (as born sinners): He knew the purpose of His time here on earth...I need to let this one simmer for awhile in the hopper...keep up the efforts and I do know one thing, as I write this you're probably not pondering a bike ride in this rain...Blessing s'mh
ReplyDeleteWhy is this lesson so very hard to learn once...it takes learning over and over and each time it is met with such awe. How are we to keep our mind set correctly? Only Christ offers us this answer, never the world. But who do we tend to look to first? we need to encourage each other in this, without growing bitter or hard.